Play(list) by the Book: Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami

Literary playlist with all the songs mentioned on Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

I'm so excited to have come across another book that lets me this kind of post, which I enjoy creating immensely! So without many words this is the playlists with all the songs and artists mentioned in Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami.

In this list, I included many pieces of classical music, which actually feel important to the novel in some way or another. When a song was named by its title I put it on the list right away, if an artist was only mentioned then I chose one of my favourite songs by this artist and if an album was the case then I chose a song from that particular album.

Find more playlists at: Play(list) by the Book
Radio Show: Play(list) by the Book


  1. This is a really interesting playlist! There's tonnes of variety which I thought was really cool. I find it interesting that Murakami seems to always incorporate music into his books, and quite a range of music at that. I'm not too knowledgeable on classical music, but I do play the piano so I recognise all the composers you included, at least. And the Beatles songs are great too, naturally.

  2. Music is always taking a big spot in Murakami's work. I believe that his first job was on a record store. Indeed this novel had a great variety of songs mentioned and a lot of classical pieces. I had a lot of fun creating it!

  3. Beautiful playlist. Music is my first love even before books. You just became my new favorite person! I sometimes make playlists on our site for the comics I review. The only book I've done so far is Fight Club. I made my own playlist in honor of Jack.

    Tiara @ Bibliosanctum

    1. Thank you! I always get excited when I realise that a book has enought songs to form a playlist, it's one of my favourite segments of the blog! I will go check out your Fight Club playlist, seems pretty interesting :)


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