
Showing posts from 2020

Play(list) by the Book - Utopia Avenue, by David Mitchell

2PM - My House: A Fairy Tale Mash-Up (KpopXBooks #5)

Discussion: What are your Reading Quirks?

Book Beginnings / Friday 56 - The Princess Bride, by William Goldman

Book Beginnings / Friday 56 - Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell

Comic Book Review: Batman - The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller

Discussions: What's Your Favourite Love Poem?

Book Beginnings / Friday 56 - The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides

Discussion: What's your Favourite Reading Challenge?

Book Beginnings / Friday 56 - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley

And Here Be Dragons! (Highfire by Eoin Colfer - Book Review)