Hello, everyone! Another week that brings us even closer to Christmas and, of course the New Year 2018.. I think that it's about time for the New Year's Resolutions! But, next week will be the one when we will back at 2017 as a whole, and decide on 2018's goals! Until then, let's see what happened in the literary world the previous week.
- Of course you remember Devil Wears Prada. Well, get ready for another novel, but this time following the story of Miranda Pristley! The novel is called When Life Gives You Lululemons, and you can read an excerpt!
- As the end of the year approaches, many dictionaries name the word of the year. So, Oxford Dictionaries have pronounced "Youthquake" the word of 2017! I think it fits, what do you think?
- But, since 2018 is near, how about taking some book recommendations from Harvard professors? I've already noted a couple of the titles mentioned!
- This is fun: Take a new technology and a successful novel, throw them together, and get ready to be entertained! This actually happened, when an AI Program wrote an entire chapter of Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Yes, it's true..and it's hilarious!
- We all have a favourite Jane Austen hero. But, a gentleman named Fitzwilliam Darcy just outshines the rest of them. How about we give the spotlight to a Henry Tilney? I rather liked him from the very beginning!
- Having trouble sleeping? Why not have Idris Elba read you a bedtime story?
- Which Infamous Star-Crossed Lovers Are You And Your Partner? Take the quiz and find out! I got Tristan and Isolde, how about you?
I don't have a favourite Jane Austen hero - I'm not a really a fan of hers! *ducks, hides* Lol.