
Showing posts from 2017

The Reading Book Post, December 26th

Merry Christmas!

Review: Almost Midnight, by Rainbow Rowell

The Reading Book Post, December 18th

Play(list) by the Book: Revival - Stephen King

The Reading Book Post, December 11th

Play(list) by the Book: Watchmen - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons

Review: Norse Mythology, by Neil Gaiman

The Reading Book Post, December 4th

Play(list) by the Book: The Gunslinger, by Stephen King

Play(list) By the Book: American Gods

Play(list) By the Book: Heart-shaped Box, by Joe Hill

The Reading Book Post, March 20th

The Reading Book Post, March 6th

February Wrap-Up

The Reading Book Post, February 27th

Review: ICO - Castle in the Mist, by Miyuki Miyabe

Play(list) by the Book: The Handmaid's Tale

The Reading Book Post, February 20th

The Reading Book Post, January 16th

Book Adaptations to look for in 2017