
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Reading Book Post, August 31st

Review: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

Confession Saturday: Dear Cadence

Thursday Quotables: Edmund Bertram's Diary

Blogger Recognition Award, '90s Movie Book Tag and Book Cover Guessing Challenge

The Reading Book Post, August 24th

Confession Saturday: Dear Lady Chatterley

The Classics Club Spin #10

Thursday Quotables: Lips Too Chilled

Review: Funny Girl by Nick Hornby

The Reading Book Post, August 17th

Confession Saturday: Dear Captain Wentworth

Play(list) by the Book: Funny Girl (Comedy Edition)

Thursday Quotables: Irish Fairy and Folk Tales

Review: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert

The Reading Book Post, August 10th

Confession Saturday: Dear Rosie

Review: Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth by John Moe